Swimming Lessons
Natavi offers several levels of swimming lessons: Parent-Tot, Preschool, level 1, level 2, level 3, level 4, level 5 , advanced swim skills and pre-competitive swim clinic. Free leveling events are available frequently where you may bring your child in for a free mini lesson and we will evaluate and determine which level they fit into.
Level 2 and 3 are foundational levels and often you're children will spend longer lengths of times in these levels.
Children's private swimming lessons are available as well. Please contact Natavi for more information.
Adult swimming lessons are offered as private lessons. If you are interested please contact Natavi.

Aquatic Aerobics
Aquatic aerobics builds cardio, strength and resistance all while being easy on the joints and in a relaxing atmosphere. Aquatic aerobics is good for anyone who wants a low impact workout. It can be very beneficial for those with arthritis, injuries and more while still challenging any fitness level.
Water walking/Laps
Natavi offers various times in the schedule for people to utilize the pool for water walking or lap swimming. These are scheduled in hour blocks and are offered regularly.

Advanced Swimming Skills After Level 5
This course will have an emphasis on fitness swimming. Students will learn how to use a pace clock, as well as swimming with kick boards and pull buoys. They will polish strokes presented in previous levels, swim with greater ease, efficiency, power and smoothness over greater distances. The students in this will begin demonstrating turns for each stroke learned along with picking up an object from a depth. Students will increase their endurance by swimming front crawl- 100 yards, back crawl-100 yards, butterfly- 50 yards, elementary backstroke- 50 yards, breaststroke- 50 yards and sidestroke- 50 yards. There is a strong emphasis in this level on water safety and in order to pass students must swim 400 yards continuously using any 4 strokes.
​Pre-Competitive Swimming Clinics
Natavi Aquatics is excited to offer a pre-competitive program for young swimmers, ages 8 and up who have a firm grasp of competitive Freestyle and Backstroke, and are interested in exploring the world of competitive swimming.
Natavi Aquatics’ pre-competitive program is a great way for children to learn competitive swimming basics with a group of peers without the commitment that comes with being on a competitive team. This is a 6-week, twice a week, program focused on teaching and refining all 4 swim strokes (Freestyle, Backstroke, Butterfly, and Breaststroke), maintaining a healthy exercise routine in a supportive atmosphere, and most of all having fun. Coaches will work to ensure each swimmer learns the basics of pace clocks, competitive work outs, turns for each stroke and starts (if possible) to be prepared to join a competitive team.
This clinic is held periodically throughout the year. Watch facebook for information on dates and times.

Swim Club
We do not have a swim club at Natavi but have partnered with Central Iowa Aquatics (CIA) who has been serving the Des Moines area since the early 90's. The club is a competitive age-group swim club which offers participation from developmental through elite national. There are two seasons: short season (Fall/Winter), which runs September through February, and a long season (Spring/Summer), which runs April through July. If you are interested in joining a swim club please follow the link below.
The word yoga comes from Sanskrit - an ancient Indian language. It is a derivation of the word yuj, which means to yoke, as in harnessing together a team of oxen. Today, it is often interpreted to mean union. Yoga is said to be for the purpose of uniting the mind, body and spirit. Natavi offers various styles of yoga as well as meditation. Some classes incorporate live music to give a different experience for the class.
*Private Sessions available - call or email for details*

SUP Yoga
SUP yoga (stand up paddle board) is practicing yoga on a stand up paddle board on a body of water. At Natavi SUP is practiced in our large pool. SUP yoga requires intense focus and balance to keep your board steady when holding or transitioning between poses. Ultimately, these new challenges will refine your technique on land and work muscles you aren't used to working on. SUP yoga provides a full body workout, particularly your core muscles which help to stabilize you on your board.
BOGA Pilates and in Water Pilates
Boga pilates is done on a floating mat in a warm water pool. It will improve core strength, balance, flexibility, strength, core and more core. Part of the class will be in the water.
Wednesday's in water pilates at 1:00pm is done in the pool. Warm water pilates improves core, strength, flexibility, balance, circulation, blood pressure, coordination, and endurance. The water will assist and resist your work.
You will burn lots of calories and have some chuckles trying. This class will help to prepare you for the Boga Pilates on the Boga Boards.
Come and join the fun and challenge yourself.
These classes are taught by Paula who has over 30 years experience, and is a national master trainer (aquatics, pilates, kickboxing, personal training, special populations and several more).

Aqua Meditari
Yoga nidra is like meditation, but yet it’s not. With yoga nidra the goal is to move into a deep state of conscious awareness sleep, which is a deeper state of relaxation with awareness. This state involves moving from consciousness while awake to dreaming and then to not-dreaming while remaining awake. With meditation, you’re sitting and in a waking state of consciousness while focusing the mind and allowing thoughts to come and go. Meditation makes it possible for us to get to the theta state — the state we go through to get to the delta state, which is the place of the deepest sleep cycle. The delta state is a deep healing state. That’s where we’re trying to get through yoga nidra. In this state, the body and mind rest and the consciousness is awake. Our class at Natavi takes it to another level by adding water! Each person will use a neck flotation device which will allow their body to fully relax during practice. The pool water is warm (88-90 degrees Fahrenheit) which makes them therapy pools just because of the temperature of the water.
*Private Sessions available - call or email for details*
Chair Yoga
Great for anyone! Utilizes a chair for balance and stability. Call or email to sign up as spots are limited.

Trauma Informed Yoga
Coming Soon
In Water Yoga
Coming Soon

Pelvic Floor Yoga
For Pelvic Floor Disfunction for men and women.
Private or Small Group sessions available.
Call to book
Coming Soon
Facility Rental
Natavi offers facility rental for any occasion. Please call or email for questions or to book an event.

S.W.I.M. Program
S.W.I.M. (Swim and Water Instruction Modifications) is for children with ASD and is a specialty course that encompasses swimming and water instruction for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. This is a four week course that build confidence in children through learning to swim and water safety in a fun, customized environment. Children attend class twice per week to provide stability and consistency into their routine. All lessons are done on a private, one-on-one basis, one child per instructor.
This program can be taken continuously if desired.
Natavi has had training through the University of Missouri Health Systems, Department of Occupational Therapy.
Below is a link to the Children at Home Program which may be able to offer financial assistance:
Iowa Family Support Network
1111 9th Street, Suite 320
Des Moines, Iowa 50314
Fax: (515) 558-9994
Natavi now has an ASD program Scholarship available. For all rules, qualifications and applications click the button below.
If our scholarship if not available at any time there is a program that may be able to help. Check out this website for more information.
Family Swim
Natavi has blocks of time everyday, or nearly everyday for family open swim. Families are welcome to come utilize the pools during these time frames.
There is no lifeguard on duty during this time.
No water wings allowed. Puddle jumpers or lifejackets allowed.
Children must be able to pass a swimming test (swim the full length of the pool and tread water for 30 seconds). If they cannot parents must be in the water with the children.
A parent or caregiver must be at Natavi at all times.

Express Deck HIIT
Express Deck HIIT is a 30 minute High intensity class done on the deck. Body weight and weighted exercises are done to help build muscle and endurance.
Boga Boot Camp
This class is done on the BOGA Boards. It is a 45 min class that will focus on strength, balance and coordination. This is a high intensity class.

Aquatic Physical Therapy
Currently unavailable
Survival Swim Skills Course
Survival Swim Skills is a class focused on survival skills that may be needed in several different types of aquatic environments. Students will also learn the basics of CPR/First Aid and the use of an AED on an adult and a child. This is a
5 1/2 week course that has limited space as we keep this class small and teach it with two instructors. Each class can accommodate five students at one time.
It incorporates aspects of water safety, lifesaving knowledge and skills, self-awareness, decision making, problem solving, cooperation and leadership; all aimed at building students personal resilience.
This course can be a one time course or can be taken numerous times as a refresher course. Students meet twice a week for a 45 minute class each time. There are 11 classes total, a student workbook, and class time in order to gain a certificate of completion.
Students much have graduated out of our level 5 swimming lesson course to take this course as it is rigorous and students need to be strong swimmers.

Corporate Yoga/Meditation Events
Many corporations or companies have come together too have private yoga/meditation events with their employees. This can be modified to fit your needs. These are available on Friday nights.
Call for more information.
Adult Memberships
Memberships for adult classes are available at Natavi. These memberships give you access to ALL of our adult classes. You can take as many as you want all month long. One year contracts available.
Have you ever checked your health insurance to see if you have health and wellness reimbursement? You may be able to get part or all of this paid for. Call your insurance company for details.
Call or email for more information on the Adult Fitness Class Membership